Tracey Koranteng is a community Worker, Arts Educator and Spoken word Artist / musician. With over 8 years of experiences working in the Toronto Arts Sector , providing excellent customer service while working with notable organizations , creatives and events.
A big supporter and pioneer of youth development through mentorship programs in culture and Diversity awareness from Cornell University – Childcare projects, York University with the undergraduate Psychology Program with Research on Therapeutic Crisis Intervention.
Art Gallery of York University for “Art on my Mind” Song writing, recording and videography Residency conducting song writing and performance workshops of the youth.
Tracey is an experienced health care and community service provider, through the Ministry of child and Youth Services through Thistletown Regional Centre Regional Centre for Children and Adolescents and with the Catholic Cross Cultural Services Language Instruction for Newcomers in Canada.
Other notable organizations that Tracey had worked with are Women’s Health in Women’s Hand Health Centre – Mental Health and Music, TAIBU Community Health Centre, Rexdale Youth Mentorship Cultural Acceptance Workshop, Saugeen First Nation.
Tracey Kayy is a multidisciplinary musician based in Toronto. She is a singer, songwriter, producer, rapper and spoken-word artist. Her creative creations mostly shed light on the difficulties and traumas within our society.
Realities, which are often ignored, are brought to light by her musical compositions. She is a radiant light and a messenger who raises awareness by being a voice for multiple communities across the globe. Her soul’s purpose is to heal people from all walks of life through her writings and musical creation