Yasin Kiraga Misago is a multi award winning Canadian Pan Africanist, Human Rights Educator, Social Scientist, Historian, Event promoter/producer, consultant and philanthropist. Yasin is a UBC graduate in Political Science and International Relations from University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC. He is awarding winning Human Rights Educators, Researcher, Historian and special event promoter in Canada. He is a recipient of multiple Awards in Human Rights, African Descent History, event productions and community role model in Canada. Yasin is the founder of African Descent Society BC, African Descent Festival, Ubuntu Human Rights International and Frontline Public Relations. Since it’s establishment, African Descent Society BC has been a major focus on promoting and advancing International Decade for people of African Descent across Canada as well as distributes UN International Decade for People of African Descent materials across Canada. Yasin founder and CEO for Frontline Records a music studio based in Vancouver established to assist artist especially in promoting African Sounds in Canada.

Yasin has worked with United Nations High Commission for Refugees (U.N.H.C.R) and Jesuits Refugee Services for many years and he has work as United for Human Rights International and Youth for Human Rights International as expert Human Rights Consultant and Human Rights Educator. He has toured Canada and United States of America as a Human Rights Educator, consultant and trainer in seminars, conferences, schools and Universities and he has given hundreds of Human Rights workshops to different Youth groups in Canada and other Countries.

The African Descent Society BC is the pioneer of UN International Decade for People of African Descent Awareness made a significant contribution in connecting UN and Human Rights Commission with many African Descent Communities in Canada, municipal and Provincial government relationship with United Nations. Yasin has travelled widely in US and Canada as guest speaker and Co-organizer, panelist and facilitator of UN International Decade for people of African descent-Canada National Action plan in Western Canada (INDIPAD) to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and all intolerance under Canada Heritage in three provinces, British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec. In 2016, Yasin and African Descent Society BC invited UN Expert Working Group president to Vancouver which resulted into whole delegation came to Canada and produce a report called Expert Working Group Report on People of African Descent Country Visit to Canada which was later presented in Geneva at UN General Assembly making Canada Justine Trudeau to recognise International Decade for People of African Descent in 2019.

Yasin has worked widely with Canada Council on UNESCO General Secretary and his advisors to promote UNESCO General History of Africa Project (GHAP), UNESCO Coalition of Artists for General History of Africa a program A UNESCO Project to promote and disseminate the General History of Africa in Diaspora and UN International Decade for People of African Descent connecting UNESCO to several hundreds of African Descent Associations and intellectuals across Canada which helped UNESCO to actively participate in all UN INDPAD activities in Canada.

Yasin re-established the African Fountain Chapel Church, which was a thriving Church for people of African descent back in 1918-1970 in Vancouver DTES before the Georgia St. Viaduct destroyed Hogan’s Alley. He is the creator and spokesman of the plans for the African Descent Cultural Centre to be built at Hogan’s Alley and to be used as a platform to showcase African descent arts and cultural contributions. He advocated for the City of Vancouver to build the Cultural Centre at Hogan’s Alley once they remove the Viaduct a plan the city had already in consideration. He has been recognised for outstanding community service leadership. He is the founder of Hogan’s Alley heritage Walking tour initiative Downtown Eastside which brings tourists to Vancouver Downtown Eastside for visiting heritage sites for people of African descent and Black History Month events in over 20 places every February in Vancouver and BC.


To learn more about Yasin visit his websites



